Covid has been a weird time. I have too much time on my hands. It's quarantine, people are stressed and depressed and looking for outlets of happiness where they can find them. I could do sketches for free... I can get a resemblance in 10-ish minutes. Why the hell not." And POST.

I requested that my followers on Instagram send me a selfie, and I would spend no less than 10 minutes drawing them. The first 10 to submit would receive a small portrait of themselves via mail (because social distancing and I had exactly 10 stamps). I gave everyone a full week to submit a selfie, thinking I might not even get 10 to submit. But after the first few drawings started to get posted the first 10 were claimed within the first day, and I had 26 more submissions I committed to drawing in my sketch book then posting a picture of when it was done. That's 36 drawings total.

The 10 minute mark was quickly done away with the more sketches I finished. The more I got into it the more and more time I spent. I got mostly friends, or people I knew. But I did get a good bit of people I didn't know.

There were people out in my city who were out of a job, struggling with bills, waiting for unemployment checks like I was. Everyone was thankful for me taking the time to draw them. Sometimes, I think we all need to be reminded how people see you. And I mean, SEE YOU. I feel like I got this chance, this great honor to glimpse into peoples lives.

People were sending me pictures of their babies, asking if "this would be okay instead of a picture of myself." Or some sending multiple pictures for me to choose from because they "just couldn't".

I was happy to get many different types of people. Some punky e-girls. Some fabulous haired dudes. Straight hair and curly hair. Couples and single people. Some smiled, some didn't. They were all worth more than 10 minutes of my time. They were all so beautiful.

It's nice to be able to take the reprieve and sketch. I'm fortunate, I know. Many of us are struggling still. Many of us were struggling before this all happened. These are CRAZY times to be living in. To be growing up in. I cant imagine how this will shape the kids of tomorrow. What the world will look like in even 10 years time.

I feel like I learned more about myself and humanity through this process. Not just that in 10-ish minutes I can get a resemblance and in like an hour I can get the shading on your upper lip just so. I could push myself. I could make the time if I wanted to. People are more alike than different. I appreciate everyone who participated, shared, liked, encouraged and waited patiently for their tag or art in the mail.

I definitely want to do more events like these in the future. It was really fun and it lit a fire in me to create more. It took me a whole month to finish all the drawings. So for now, I'm going to look fondly over these drawings and sharpen all of my pencils for next time. And don't haggle anyone down on their price, if it seems unfair just find someone else for a quote or DIY. Or, you know, ask me... Because... Uh... >.> I gots bills and they're multiplyin'.
